fastco works
>“I had what I call my racial awakening in 2016. I shifted from the ‘I’m just not going to rock the boat; I’m going to make my own, do my work, and then in my own private influence make a difference.’ It was the summer of 2016—after Alton Sterling and Philando Castile—and that was when I was like, you know what? I’m done being quiet with this shit. If I make it and am successful, that still does nothing. That still won’t guarantee my life. So I’m gonna start getting successful and obviously doing great work and overperforming, all that stuff—but not at the sacrifice of speaking out.
“These companies spend…more on the marketing around their bullshit DEI programs than they do on the actual programs, which I think says everything. Even if they were spending money that was actually meaningful, you still have people at the top of the companies who don’t actually care about these programs, don’t care about any sort of accountability, don’t care about doing the very basics. And the basics to me are hiring, paying fairly, and retaining talent of color and particularly Black people and Black women. All of it is comms. All of it is marketing….What I’m interested in is consequences, legislatively, from shareholders, whether in the form of resolutions or lawsuits, and from workers.
“If [tech companies] actually paid their fair share of [taxes], which they spend so much time trying not to, then we wouldn’t need their guilt million here, a million there, which is nothing for them. It’s so offensive that [Google] even had those commitments. The thing is that really irritates me is…we’ll give you this money with one hand, and we’ll completely mistreat people with this other hand.
“I worked for Amazon for a week, [and] I really said, ‘No way.’ My legs were hurting, and I was limping. And I’m like, ‘This is not normal. Why you don’t have elevators?’ So that’s how it started. That’s when I really started finding out the gruesomeness of the facility. I was used to being on my feet and doing a lot of work and walking and stuff. But it was nothing like at Amazon.
>“I worked at one place where they were really excited to say, ‘we have this particular police department using our software.’ And employees were like…let’s Google this police department. One of the first things that came up was that this police department has some pretty serious allegations of police brutality. Maybe we should take this [deal] down. And the response back was like, ‘Well, your coworkers worked really hard on this case study.’ And Black employees were like…”That’s great that everyone has worked really hard, but that police department has [these] pretty serious allegations around police brutality and murdering people, so is that something we necessarily want to be associated with?’ And at the end of the day [the decision was made to] to keep this case study up.