People have information to share. Wonderful and
insightful knowledge about business and changing industries. You are experts. They are smart, alert, and
creative when dealing with change. With RSS they can share that
knowledge with the world 24/7. RSS allows them to become the information
source and the authority of your profession, virtually distributing it
to the desktop of the very people they want to reach.
How many professionals know why it has become so popular?
In the past year “RSS Feed” has become a very popular buzz word in
Internet marketing. Questions like “What is RSS?” and “Why do I need
RSS?” are commonly heard at industry conferences and coffee shops
around the world.
What is RSS?
Really – Simple – Syndication.
RSS may be defined as being simple, yet the concept and application
of RSS is anything but simple. An RSS feed at the most basic concept
level collects content on the Web and categorizes it into a simple
structure so that another person can easily download the content and be
notified of when it is updated.
The technology can be used for many purposes: