
As audiences continue to flock to the medium, podcasting has become a lucrative business.

Everybody, listen up: 2018 was the year podcasts went mainstream

[Photo: Celine Grouard]

BY Cale Guthrie Weissman

If you’re not listening to a podcast these days, chances are the person next to you is. Last year was a watershed for the medium, with creators beginning to generate significant revenue in myriad ways. A few years ago, a popular podcast would maybe get a couple hundred thousand downloads and a single sponsor. Today, they’re spinning off live events, selling merchandise, crowdfunding, being optioned by television studios–all the while accruing millions of listeners. Podcasting has become a lucrative entertainment medium. Check out today’s spoken-word landscape, by the numbers.

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Cale is a Brooklyn-based reporter. He writes about many things. More

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