For most of us, investing in new high-quality furniture means going for classic, neutral pieces that stand the test of time. It used to be that only consumers with plenty of disposable income, and a budget to redecorate regularly, could take the risk of creating their fantasy rooms. Now The Inside, an affordable on-demand furniture startup launched by DwellStudio’s founder Christiane Lemieux, is here to make all your decorating dreams come true.
The company has just partnered with Scalamandré, the American design house that helped created the Kennedy White House, on six bold fabrics, which customers will be able to use to customize with $399 slipper chairs, $325 headboards, and $49 throw pillows. The collection includes the iconic Zebra print that was featured in Margot Tenenbaum’s room in Wes Anderson’s The Royal Tenenbaums. Another print, of Leaping Cheetahs, has never been seen before.
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As I’ve described before, The Inside’s lean business model means that it can sell customized pieces at inexpensive prices. The company does not sell through retailers, meaning there is no middleman markup, and it makes each piece when the customer orders it, so there is never any wasted inventory to inflate the cost. Lemieux believes this opens up exciting new possibilities for the customer: They can think of their home as a constant work in progress, adding daring new pieces which can be swapped out later.
So a gorgeous, Wes Anderson-style room is within reach. And if Margot’s jungle-themed room is not your thing, there are other bold patterns to choose from. Personally, I can’t wait to create a retro Moonrise Kingdom-style bedroom for my daughter, or install bright blue Darjeeling Limited-style wallpaper in my bedroom.