
Now you can assign reminders to other people by voice.

Google Assistant now helps family members boss each other around

[Photo: courtesy of Google]

BY Jared Newman

Google Assistant is already an efficient way to at set your own reminders, but now you can use it to delegate tasks as well. Tell your kids to take out the trash, or ask your spouse to pick up milk on the way home, and they’ll get a reminder at the appropriate time or location on their phones (via the Google Assistant app), Google Home speakers, or Google Assistant-powered smart displays.

Assignable reminders will work for anyone who’s part of a Google family group, or who’ve linked their accounts with voice matching to the same Google Assistant speaker or display.

[Animation: courtesy of Google]Google seems to be leaning into reminders as a key feature for its voice assistant. Last week, the company removed reminder support from the main Google app and redesigned the interface for reminders inside the Google Assistant app. Assignable reminders will help bring Google Assistant up to par with other task management apps, with the added benefit of voice control. Now, if only Google could manage to unify the entirely separate task management systems it offers through Google Keep and Google Tasks, it’d be in great shape.

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Jared Newman covers apps and technology from his remote Cincinnati outpost. He also writes two newsletters, Cord Cutter Weekly and Advisorator. More

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